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Audio and Video Solutions

Lexicon's voice and data platform solutions combine multiple tools such as Instant Messaging (IM), multi-party conference, email and voice calls to provide seamless communication between work colleagues, suppliers and customers from nearly any device and any place.

Video Conferencing delivers a rich meeting experience for staff sitting across boundaries which can significantly reduce travel costs to quickly deliver a strong return on investment. Our solutions utilize High Definition cameras, systems and video transmission with capabilities to integrate with corporate directories and the public internet for meetings with external parties. Our platforms can easily integrate with your current email providing an end-to-end communications solution. Our team has the skills to design the right solution for your organization which integrates phone calls, instant messaging, and chat as well many other features.

Lexicon computers can also provide hosted Virtual Meeting Room solution as a service that can cater for all your audio and video conferencing needs. Achieving high-definition and stable video conferencing within your offices is now simple, with the ability to easily integrate desktop and mobile devices.

You can easily enable your employees to be more productive and prompt by collaborating at any time from any location with instant local support to customers from anywhere at any time. We have simple and easy audio conferencing solutions for small meetings or strategic events. Instantly organize and manage your conference calls with clear audio, ensuring that all the participants in a conference are able to effortlessly join and participate. We can integrate mobile handsets for maintenance and security staff providing vital safety features in hazardous environments. Lexicon Computers can remove the barriers and equip your workforce to collaborate effectively and efficiently, with an array of tools that keep your business connected.

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